Athletes ---
If your goal is to make a career of your sport, then you need financial backing to be able to train and compete professionally.
A professional video of your best action with a brief on-camera intro of what you are looking for will help in finding sponsorship.
It is similar to a showcase video (see on showcase page) but geared toward companies so they can see why they should sponsor you.
Below is a sixteen minute video we made for a sports equipment company about one of the most successful athletes they sponsor. It shows his career achievements and best play
Sponsors ---
Produce highlight videos of athletes you currently sponsor. The videos can be used as a promotional tool. For example, a DVD can be included with equipment you sell, especially if athlete - endorsed. A video can also be a gift for their birthday, retirement or for winning a big event.
In addition, we can produce highlight videos of athletes you are interested in sponsoring to promote your brand... to see their best action and achievements.